Pimp Up Your Personal Brand With Video Content

10th October 2024

Are you ready to take your personal branding to the next level? Video is the ultimate tool for making a lasting impression. Unlike static posts or written bios, video brings your brand to life, building trust, creating connections, and leaving a lasting impact. Studies show that viewers retain 95% of a message when they watch it in a video, compared to only 10% when reading it in text. This proves just how powerful video can be for engagement. Video content is also highly favoured by algorithms across social platforms, giving you a better chance to be seen and remembered. In this blog we will share why video is essential for personal branding, where to start, and how a professional video production agency can help you maximise every piece of content.

What are Personal Branding Videos?

Personal branding videos are short, engaging video that showcases who you are, what you do, and what makes you unique. It’s a visual way to communicate your personality, expertise, and values to your audience, going beyond what a written bio or resume can offer.

In a personal branding video, viewers get to see and hear you directly, which builds trust and makes your brand more memorable. These videos can be anything from a quick introduction or professional insight to a behind-the-scenes look at your work or life.

Designed to make a strong impression, personal branding videos are typically short, often under two minutes, and optimized for social media platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube. They allow you to connect with your audience in a way that feels authentic, relatable, and engaging—perfect for establishing a strong online presence.

Why Video is Essential for Personal Branding

Video is powerful because it does what other content formats can’t: it lets your audience experience the real you. Through voice, expressions, and energy, video builds connections in a way that feels authentic and memorable. LinkedIn research shows that video content is 5 times more likely to drive engagement than static images, especially with B2B audiences, making video an ideal choice for personal branding. From LinkedIn to Instagram and YouTube, video is the direct line to your audience. And with video content growing across all platforms, establishing your personal brand with video now will set you up for long-term visibility and recognition.

Building Your Personal Branding Video Strategy

Creating a strong personal brand with video starts with a clear strategy that ensures your content hits the mark with your audience and supports your marketing goals. Here’s how to get started:

1. Define Your Goals

When defining your video content goals, consider what specific actions you want viewers to take after watching your videos. Do you want them to subscribe to your channel, visit your website, or engage with your content? Understanding your desired outcomes will guide the type of content you create and the messaging you incorporate.

2. Know Your Audience

When considering your audience, it's important to delve into the specifics of who they are. Are they industry peers, potential clients, or professionals within your network? Understanding the makeup of your audience allows you to tailor your content to directly address their interests, making your videos more engaging and relevant to their needs. Research conducted by Vidyard has shown that personalised content leads to a 56% higher engagement rate, underscoring the importance of catering to your audience's specific interests and preferences. By gaining a deep understanding of your audience, you can create content that resonates with them on a personal level, fostering stronger connections and driving higher levels of engagement.

3. Develop Core Brand Messages

When developing your core brand messages, it's important to delve deep into what truly represents your personal brand. This involves identifying 3–5 core themes that encompass your expertise, unique perspectives, or values that set you apart. These themes should reflect the essence of your brand and resonate with your audience. By consistently incorporating these core messages across your videos, you reinforce your brand identity and provide your audience with a clear and compelling understanding of who you are and what you stand for. This consistency in messaging not only strengthens your brand but also fosters a deeper connection with your audience, ultimately leading to long-term engagement and loyalty.

4. Plan a Content Schedule

Create a detailed content calendar outlining the topics, formats, and release dates for your videos. This schedule should also account for promotional activities and engagement with your audience. By planning and consistently executing your video content schedule, you can maximize visibility, maintain audience engagement, and demonstrate your commitment to delivering valuable content.

Types of Videos to Elevate Your Personal Brand

To keep your audience engaged, vary your video content while staying true to your brand’s voice. Here are a few types of videos that build authority and connect with viewers across platforms:

1. Thought Leadership Videos

Establish your expertise by discussing industry trends, sharing insights, or offering advice on specific topics relevant to your audience. Thought leadership videos help position you as a trusted and knowledgeable voice in your field. You can conduct interviews with other experts, share your unique perspective, or analyse current events and their impact on your industry.

2. How-To or Tutorial Videos

Provide step-by-step instructions or demonstrations to help your audience solve specific problems or learn new skills. How-to videos offer immediate value, showcase your expertise, and keep your brand at the top of your audience's mind when they encounter similar challenges.

3. Behind-the-Scenes Videos

Show your day-to-day work processes, highlight your team's efforts, or provide a glimpse into your passion projects. Behind-the-scenes content humanises your brand, giving your audience a sense of authenticity and transparency. This type of content helps your audience connect with your brand on a personal level and understand the hard work and dedication that goes into your products or services.

4. Personal Stories

Share personal anecdotes or experiences that resonate with your audience. Personal stories can include pivotal moments in your professional journey, challenges you've overcome, or even failures that have ultimately led to success. By sharing personal stories, you allow your audience to connect with you on a deeper, more emotional level, creating a stronger bond with your brand.

LinkedIn and Beyond: Video as the Key to a Multi-Platform Strategy

While video works on any social media platform, LinkedIn is particularly effective for B2B audiences. LinkedIn has over a billion users, yet video is still underutilised, giving you a chance to stand out and engage viewers. On LinkedIn, video helps you reach your professional network in a personal, authentic way, making it easier to build a trusted, recognizable brand.

Of course, LinkedIn is just one channel. Video can boost your visibility and brand authority across platforms like Instagram and YouTube. A strong video strategy creates a consistent brand experience wherever people find you, from Reels and Shorts to longer-form YouTube content.

Optimising Your Video Content for Social Media Platforms

To make the most of your personal branding videos, it’s essential to tailor them to each platform. Each social media channel has its own format, style, and audience expectations, so a one-size-fits-all approach won’t be as effective. Here’s how to optimize your video content for maximum impact across LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and beyond.


As a professional networking site, LinkedIn is ideal for thought leadership, industry insights, and professional storytelling. Videos should be short (1-2 minutes), focused, and value-driven to catch attention in a busy newsfeed.

  • Best for: Thought leadership, industry trends, and behind-the-scenes insights.
  • Optimal Format: Square (1:1) or landscape (16:9).
  • Captions: Essential, as many users watch LinkedIn videos on mute.


Instagram is visually driven and thrives on creative, dynamic content. Videos on Instagram can range from Stories to Reels, each offering different opportunities to engage. Reels and Stories are great for quick tips, personal anecdotes, or behind-the-scenes clips.

  • Best for: Personal stories, quick tips, and day-in-the-life content.
  • Optimal Format: Vertical (9:16) for Stories and Reels.
  • Captions: Important, especially for Stories, as they auto-play on mute.


YouTube is perfect for long-form content and deeper dives into your expertise. Here, you can showcase detailed tutorials, personal stories, or thought leadership videos that are longer than on other platforms.

  • Best for: In-depth tutorials, personal stories, and thought leadership.
  • Optimal Format: Landscape (16:9).
  • Captions & Descriptions: Essential, as YouTube favors SEO-rich descriptions and tags.

Twitter (X)

Twitter is great for short, impactful clips that tease a longer video or make a quick point. Given Twitter’s fast-paced feed, brevity is key.

  • Best for: Short clips, announcements, and teasers.
  • Optimal Format: Square (1:1) or landscape (16:9).
  • Captions: Recommended to capture attention quickly.

Pro Tip: Repurpose Content

By adjusting the format and style for each platform, you can repurpose a single video for multiple channels, increasing your reach without extra filming time. For example, a detailed YouTube video can be broken down into shorter clips for LinkedIn and Instagram, maximizing your content’s lifespan and visibility.

How Our Video Production Agency Can Transform Your Personal Brand

Building a robust personal branding video strategy can seem overwhelming, but that’s where our personal branding video production agency comes in. At MHF, we specialize in creating bulk video content in a single day that can fuel your personal brand for months. Here’s how we work with you to maximise your video content:

  1. Strategic Planning Session: We start by understanding your brand, goals, and audience. Then, we map out a series of video topics that showcase your expertise, insights, and unique perspective.

  2. One-Day Content Capture: During a focused production day, we capture multiple video assets across your chosen themes. From thought leadership to behind-the-scenes clips, we make sure you get everything you need in one efficient shoot.

  3. Bulk Content Creation: Once we’ve captured your footage, we turn it into a diverse set of video assets, ready for LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and beyond. This approach means you’ll have 3 months’ worth of high-quality video content, keeping your brand active and relevant across channels.

  4. Post-Production Polish: Our post-production team adds the finishing touches, enhancing sound, visuals, and consistency so that your videos feel polished, professional, and authentically you.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in Personal Branding Videos

When building a personal brand, it’s just as important to know what not to do as it is to understand best practices. The following common mistakes can hinder the effectiveness of your video content and keep your personal brand from reaching its full potential.

1. Overly Scripted Content

One of the biggest mistakes in personal branding videos is creating content that feels too scripted. According to a study by Wistia, audiences engage more with videos that feel authentic and natural rather than overly rehearsed or robotic. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t plan your content, but your delivery should still feel conversational and genuine. Personal branding videos should showcase your real personality, quirks, and insights—elements that won’t come through if you’re reading directly from a script.

Tip: Prepare key talking points rather than memorising a script. This approach allows you to keep your message on track while maintaining a relaxed, authentic tone.

2. Ignoring the Audience

Personal branding isn’t just about showcasing yourself—it’s about creating value for your audience. Ignoring your viewers’ interests or needs can make your content feel self-centred rather than engaging. Research from Vidyard shows that personalized and audience-centred content achieves a 35% higher engagement rate than generic content.

Tip: Before you start filming, identify who your target audience is and what they care about. Tailor your videos to address their pain points, answer common questions, or offer insights that resonate with their professional or personal lives. This way, your content becomes something that viewers actively seek out and remember.

3. Inconsistent Posting

Consistency is key to building a recognisable personal brand. Inconsistent posting can make it difficult for your audience to remember your brand or engage with your content regularly. Social Media Examiner found that brands with a consistent posting schedule tend to experience a higher retention rate and more robust audience growth.

Tip: Create a content schedule that you can realistically stick to, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. Regular posting not only keeps your audience engaged but also boosts your content’s visibility in social media algorithms, helping your brand stay top-of-mind.

Avoiding these common pitfalls will help your personal branding videos feel more authentic, relatable, and effective. Remember, the goal is to build a connection with your audience through content that’s both engaging and valuable.

Ready to Take Your Personal Brand to the Next Level?

With the right video strategy, your personal brand doesn’t just grow—it becomes a powerful, lasting presence across social media. Video amplifies your voice, deepens connections, and establishes authority that resonates. Whether you’re just starting out or refining your approach, our video production agency in London can help you bring your brand to life and make your content stand out.