Save 85% on Employee Costs with 24/7 Brand Representation Using Video

17th September 2024

As businesses face economic pressure, it’s more important than ever to ensure that every penny spent generates strong returns. With the economy in a downturn, companies are cutting costs and laying off staff, while CFOs are prioritising ROI to maintain profitability. In this tough environment, the smartest investments are those that deliver consistent value without straining resources. One solution that’s proving incredibly effective for companies across industries is video content—an investment that gives you 24/7 brand representation at a fraction of the cost of hiring additional employees.

For just 15% of the cost of a new employee, you can create high-quality video assets that work for you around the clock. These digital assets are crafted in your voice, controlled to deliver your message, and always available to sell your brand, product, or service—whether it’s 2 PM or 2 AM. When done right, video becomes the ultimate marketing tool, offering flexibility, engagement, and continuous representation. In this blog, we’ll explore why video marketing is not just a cost-saving strategy but a necessary investment for businesses today.

Why Video Content Is a Game-Changer

Video content has become the cornerstone of modern marketing for a good reason: it’s engaging, versatile, and powerful. Unlike written content or static imagery, video allows you to communicate your brand’s story and value proposition in an emotional and compelling way. It appeals to both the head and the heart, making it the perfect tool for customer conversion.

When created by an experienced video production company, your video assets can work as an “always-on” representative of your brand. Available across multiple platforms—social media, your website, YouTube, and more—these videos can reach your audience 24/7. They can explain complex products, showcase your company culture, or deliver testimonials from satisfied customers, all while being available at any time to potential clients.

24/7 Brand Representation

Imagine having a top salesperson who never sleeps, doesn’t take time off, and is available to communicate your brand message at all hours of the day. That’s what investing in video content production can do for you. Digital video works tirelessly to engage viewers and promote your brand, regardless of time zones or business hours. When you invest in video marketing, you’re essentially paying for a digital ambassador that represents your company 24/7.

With help from a full service video production agency in London, you can create professional, polished videos that carry your unique voice and message, ensuring that they effectively communicate your brand’s value proposition. These videos continue working for your brand long after they’re made, making them one of the most cost-efficient marketing tools available.

Emotional Engagement and Impact

Video is unique because it can trigger emotional connections with your audience. While text and images convey information, video tells a story—one that resonates on a deeper, emotional level. Whether it’s a brand narrative, customer testimonial, or product explainer, video helps your audience understand who you are, what you stand for, and why they should care about your brand.

This emotional engagement is vital in building long-term customer relationships and brand loyalty. A video marketing agency, London can help craft videos that reflect your brand’s personality and values, creating a lasting impression on your audience. Video assets speak to both the head and the heart, and that emotional pull can lead to conversions and customer retention over time.

Engaging the Modern Audience

Content consumption is becoming more visual than ever. The average person’s attention span has dropped to just 8 seconds, making it essential to capture and hold interest quickly. Video content is the perfect tool to meet this challenge head-on.

With the rise of social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, video has proven to be the most effective medium for engaging audiences.

Even LinkedIn, traditionally a text-heavy platform, is shifting to a video-first approach, with LinkedIn Shorts currently in beta testing. This move underscores the increasing importance of short-form video content for business communication and brand building. People are far more likely to watch a short, engaging video than to read an article or blog post. By partnering with a video production agency, you can ensure that your brand’s content is optimised for platforms like LinkedIn, delivering your message clearly, quickly, and with maximum engagement.

The Economics - Pay 15% of an Employee’s Cost for 24/7 Representation

Now, let’s break down the math behind your video content investment. Hiring a new employee in sales, marketing, or communications is expensive. Beyond salary, you’re looking at additional costs like training, benefits, and equipment. On the other hand, a video production company can deliver a suite of brand videos for a fraction of the cost of hiring someone new.

For just 15% of an employee’s cost, you can create videos that continue working for your brand long after they’re produced. These videos available to your audience anytime, anywhere, and don’t require sick days, time off, or overtime pay. This makes video one of the most scalable and cost-effective tools in your marketing tool set.

Scalable Marketing with Video Production

When you hire an employee, their reach is limited by their physical availability and time. They can only be in one place at one time. However, a professionally crafted video can reach thousands—or even millions—of people simultaneously. This scalability is one of the most compelling reasons to invest in video marketing.

With the help of a video production company, you can create video content that’s optimised for multiple platforms, allowing your brand to engage different audience segments without additional investment. For example, a single brand video can be repurposed across social media, websites, email marketing, and even internal communications. It’s an investment that keeps giving, offering significant returns in terms of engagement, brand recognition, and sales.

Conclusion:  Invest in Video Now?

In summary in times of a challenging economy, businesses need to make smart investments that offer long-term returns. For just 15% of the cost of a new employee, you can invest in video content that works for your brand 24/7. It’s a marketing strategy that delivers consistent engagement, builds customer loyalty, and drives measurable ROI.

Working with a full service video production agency in London ensures that your video assets are polished, professional, and strategically effective. Video marketing is no longer a “nice-to-have”—it’s an essential tool for modern brands looking to stand out and succeed.

So why wait? Invest in video marketing today and unlock the potential for 24/7 brand representation that works as hard as your team—without the cost.