The Good, The Bad, & The Reality of Why Marketers Invest in Video Production

4th June 2024

With 13 years of experience running a video production company in London creating videos for brands both big and small, we've learned a thing or two about what makes a successful video. Surprisingly, it's not always about the creative treatments or big-budget productions. Much of the success hinges on the motivations behind investing in video content.

In this blog, we delve into the various reasons why clients invest in video production, distinguishing between the beneficial and the detrimental, and revealing the reality that lies in between. Whether you're looking to tell a compelling brand story, improve engagement metrics, or simply keep up with industry trends, knowing the right and wrong reasons to invest in video production can make all the difference in achieving a successful outcome.

Bad Reasons To Invest in Video Production

  1. Video as a Band-Aid Solution: It's tempting to view video marketing content as a quick fix for lagging engagement or sales. However, without integration into a comprehensive marketing strategy, hastily produced videos often fall short of expectations.

  2. Blindly Following Competitors: Mimicking competitors' video strategies without considering your brand's unique identity can lead to uninspired content that fails to differentiate your brand.

  3. Neglecting Audience Insights: Without understanding your target audience's preferences and behaviors, videos risk missing the mark, failing to resonate with viewers and ultimately wasting resources.

  4. Lack of Clear Objectives: Commissioning video content without clear, measurable objectives undermines its effectiveness and makes it challenging to assess ROI.

Good Reasons To Invest In Video Production

  1. Enhancing Brand Storytelling: Video provides a dynamic platform for conveying emotions, values, and messages, fostering stronger connections with audiences and building brand loyalty.

  2. Educating and Informing: Videos excel at simplifying complex information, making them an effective tool for educating audiences and establishing brand authority.

  3. Increasing Engagement and Reach: Video content has the potential to captivate audiences in ways that text or static images cannot. By leveraging engaging visuals and storytelling techniques, brands can increase audience engagement and expand their reach across various digital platforms.

  4. Improving SEO and Online Visibility: Video content is highly favored by search engines and often ranks higher in search results. By incorporating videos into your website and social media channels, you can improve your SEO efforts and enhance your online visibility, driving more traffic to your brand's digital assets.

  5. Staying Relevant and Competitive: In today's digital landscape, video has become a cornerstone of successful marketing strategies. Investing in video production allows brands to stay relevant and competitive in their industry, meeting the expectations of modern consumers who increasingly prefer video content.

The Realities of Video Production

  1. Strategic Investment for Impact: Crafting compelling video content demands more than just financial investment—it requires a strategic approach to maximize impact and achieve tangible results. By prioritizing quality over quantity and allocating resources wisely, brands can unlock the full potential of video to engage their audience and drive meaningful outcomes.

  2. Time-Intensive Process: Producing high-quality video content is a time-intensive endeavor that necessitates meticulous planning, attention to detail, and coordination among various stakeholders. To streamline the production process, it's essential to ensure alignment among key stakeholders from the outset, mitigating delays and frustrations down the line.

  3. Creative Challenges: Crafting compelling video content presents creative challenges, from developing engaging narratives to selecting suitable visuals and ensuring seamless execution. Clear alignment with your video production company during the pre-production phase and final sign-off on creative treatments and shot lists can prevent costly reshoots and ensure smooth production.

  4. Resource Allocation: Investing in video production requires allocating resources not only for production but also for distribution, promotion, and ongoing optimization. Don't overlook the importance of budgeting for distribution—no matter how creative the video, its success hinges on being seen by the intended audience.

  5. Measurement and Analytics: Measuring the success of video content extends beyond view counts. Brands must leverage advanced analytics tools to track audience engagement, measure conversion rates, and optimize future strategies accordingly. By prioritising comprehensive measurement and analysis, brands can refine their approach and drive continued success in their video marketing efforts.


In conclusion, understanding the ins and outs of video production is crucial for any brand looking to make an impact. From avoiding common pitfalls to embracing the power of storytelling and audience engagement, every step in the process requires careful consideration.

As a video production agency with years of experience, we've seen firsthand how the right approach can lead to success. By partnering with experts and being mindful of the challenges involved, brands can create content that resonates with their audience and drives real results.

In the end, investing in video production isn't just about making videos—it's about connecting with your audience, telling your story effectively, and achieving your business goals. With the right strategy and execution, the potential for success is limitless.