Create Your Custom Brand Media Library

Professional Photography and Video for Long-Term Use

Get Started Today

Ditch Generic Stock Footage – Build Your Own Brand Media Bank

More businesses are recognising the shortcomings of generic stock footage. It feels impersonal, lacks authenticity, and doesn’t capture the true essence of your brand. That’s where our Media Bank service comes in.

With our Media Bank, you’ll get a fully customised photo and video library tailored to your brand. We spend a full day on-site, capturing high-quality video (b-roll) and photography that truly represents your people, culture, and environment. You’ll walk away with a curated collection of professional visuals, ready to use across all platforms whenever you need them.

Custom Media Bank Package

What You Get

Full Day Shoot:  Capture high quality footage of your office, people. and culture

10 Professional Headshots:  Includes individual shots of 10 different people—ideal for LinkedIn profiles, website bios, and presentations.

50+ Lifestyle Photos:  Showcase your team and environment.

Banner Video: 30 - 60 seconds highlighting your brand’s essence—ideal for your website or social media.

Raw Footage: Access to all raw video footage from the shoot, ready for future use or custom edits.

Basic Photo Editing:  Light touch-ups  to ensure your images look polished and professional.


photo bank of headshots

Website Banner Video

A website banner video is crucial because it occupies prime visual space at the top of your site, instantly engaging visitors. In just a few seconds, it can showcase your brand's culture, highlight your team, and deliver key messages, helping to create an immediate emotional connection. This dynamic content not only enhances the visitor experience but also boosts your site’s professionalism and impact.

Ready to showcase your brand? Our Custom Media Bank Package has everything you need.

Book a Shoot With Us Today