How To Make A B2B Customer Testimonial Video Production.

8th November 2021

What Is A Corporate Customer Testimonial Video?

Customer testimonial videos or customer success videos as they're also known, focus on the stories of your customers, their business challenges and how your product, brand or service has been of value to them in solving their problem.  They are an authentic, honest endorsement of your business offering from a third party and they are great for nurturing trust, converting leads and brand building.

Check out the example below of a corporate customer testimonial video production we made for Egencia featuring Megan Reynolds the Expedia Corporate Travel Manager.


Customer Testimonial Video for Egencia

Featuring a Corporate Travel Manager discussing her experience of using the Egencia corporate travel platform and the benefits it has brought to her company.

Trust Is The New Brand Equity

According to Edelman Trust Barometer - Trust Is The New Brand Equity and the best customer testimonial videos help to build trust in the eyes of your prospects by providing social proof that you are credible and trusted in your field and ultimately that you can help them solve their business problems. 

In fact, according to  93% of consumers say that online reviews influenced their purchase decisions.   

Investing in customer testimonial video content as part of your B2B marketing strategy enables you to showcase the positive experience of some of your most valued customers.

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Edelman trust barometer

Choosing The Hero Of Your Video

All the best customer testimonial videos have a hero that the viewer can relate and identify with.  This hero is one of your happy customers. 

You need to carefully pick a customer that is reflective of the potential customers you seek to attract.  So, say you are seeking to attract businesses that work across manufacturing then you don’t want the hero of your story to work in the fashion industry as it will fail to resonate.

Select heros that mirror your customer personas and then brief them on the objectives of the messaging you want to relay.

customer testimonial for Expedia

Customer Testimonial Video For Spring & Autumn Fair

Featuring the Founder of Wraptious an art company that trades at Spring and Autumn Fair.

How We Can Help

We have made customer testimonial video for brands such as Expedia, Egencia and Pure London.  Our focus as a company is to Make Human Film and we love that we can meet your customers, get to know them and their business, their needs, their motivations, their challenges and how you have helped them to succeed in their role or business.  If you would like more information on how we can help you make great customer testimonial videos. 

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