A Guide to Successfully Crafting Effective Interview Questions for Corporate Video Productions

23rd August 2023

In the world of video production and corporate interviews, crafting effective interview questions is a skill that can make or break your content. It's not just about information; it's about creating engaging and informative conversations that resonate with your audience. In this article, we'll provide you with a structured framework tailored to the realm of video production and corporate interviews, ensuring you gather the right information while promoting a genuine and captivating dialogue.

To help you succeed, here's a comprehensive guide on crafting interview questions for your corporate video production highlighting key considerations for brands and the valuable guidance a professional video production agency, like MHF Creative, can provide.

Pre-Interview Preparation

Defining Your Goals

The first crucial step in crafting effective interview questions for corporate video production is to clearly define the goals of your video. These objectives serve as your guiding light throughout the entire creative process and are integral to shaping the nature and focus of your questions. By having a well-defined purpose, you can ensure that every question you ask contributes directly to the overarching message and impact of your video.  The best video production agencies will collaborate with you to fine-tune and crystallise the goals of your corporate video. Here, we outline some objectives you might contemplate as you embark on this creative journey.


If your primary aim is to inform your audience, your video's goal is to convey valuable information or knowledge. This could be about a new product, a company update, industry insights, or any subject matter where clarity and comprehension are paramount. In this case, your questions should revolve around the most essential facts, details, and insights that need to be communicated effectively.


When your goal is persuasion, you're seeking to convince your viewers of a particular viewpoint, product, or course of action. This could be a marketing video, a sales pitch, or any content designed to sway opinions and decisions. Your questions should be strategically crafted to draw out responses that support and reinforce the persuasive message you aim to convey.


If the primary purpose of your video is to entertain, your questions should be geared towards drawing out engaging and captivating stories, anecdotes, or experiences. These questions can encourage the interviewee to share entertaining content that will captivate and hold the viewer's attention, leaving them with a positive and memorable impression.


In educational videos, your goal is to impart knowledge or skills to your audience. This could be a training video, a how-to guide, or any content designed to enhance your viewers' understanding and competence. Here, your questions should focus on extracting comprehensive and structured information that aids the learning process.

Understand Your Target Audience

One of the fundamental pillars of crafting effective interview questions for corporate video production is a deep understanding of your intended audience. This step is pivotal as it forms the cornerstone upon which the entire interview process hinges. By comprehending your audience, you can tailor your approach, tone, and style to align with their preferences and expectations, ensuring that your video resonates with them on a profound level.

Demographic Details

Start by delving into the demographic specifics of your target audience. This includes factors such as age, gender, location, profession, and any other relevant data. These details provide crucial insights into your viewers' characteristics and can guide the framing of your questions. For example, the tone and style of questions for a video aimed at a tech-savvy, younger audience will differ from those intended for a more mature, professional demographic.

Expectations and Goals

Consider what your audience hopes to gain from watching your video. Are they seeking information, entertainment, inspiration, or practical advice? Understanding their expectations and goals allows you to structure your questions to meet these needs effectively. If your audience is looking for practical tips, your questions can be solution-oriented, whereas if they seek inspiration, you can focus on personal stories and experiences.

Pain Points and Motivations

Identify the pain points and motivations of your audience related to the topic of your video. What challenges do they face, and how can your content address these issues? By tailoring your questions to explore these pain points and motivations, you can create content that provides genuine value and resonates deeply with your viewers.

Communication Style

The communication style of your audience is another critical factor. Are they more formal and professional, or do they prefer a casual and conversational approach? This knowledge will influence the language and tone you employ when crafting your interview questions. Adapting your style to align with your audience's preferences ensures that your corporate video content connects with them in a way that feels natural and relatable.

Identifying Key Messages

In the process of crafting interview questions for your corporate video production, the identification of key messages serves as a critical step to ensure that your content is clear, purposeful, and effective. These key messages are the core points or takeaways that you want your audience to understand and remember after watching the video. By defining these messages early on, you can formulate questions that guide the interviewee to address these crucial points, making your video more focused and impactful. A video production agency can play a crucial role in helping brands express their core messages and transform them into thought-provoking questions.

Research, Research, Research 

Know Your Interviewee

To create questions that resonate with your interviewees, you need to know who they are. This goes beyond their names and titles. It involves understanding their backgrounds, experiences, and what makes them experts in their field. Are there specific achievements or unique perspectives that make them stand out? This knowledge helps you tailor your questions to their expertise and experiences, making the interview more engaging and relevant.

Understanding the Topic

Your research should also focus on the topic of the interview. Whether it's a new product, a recent development, or a broader industry trend, you need to be well-informed. This allows you to ask questions that delve into the heart of the matter, providing valuable insights for your viewers.

The Interview Question Structure

Part 1:  Setting the Scene - Warm-Up Questions

In the world of video production and corporate interviews, warm-up questions are your opening scene. Just like a movie, they set the mood and ease both you and the interviewee into the conversation. You can start with casual inquiries about their background, interests, or engage in some small talk. This helps create a comfortable atmosphere, much like setting the scene for a great film.

Examples of Warm-Up Questions

  • "To get started, could you tell us a bit about your background and how you came to be in your current role?"
  • "Outside of your professional life, what are some of your hobbies or interests that you're passionate about?"
  • "Let's begin on a light note. Do you have any memorable vacation destinations you've been to recently?"

These questions are like the opening chords of a friendly conversation, setting the stage for a productive and genuine interview. They break the ice, establish trust, and ensure that both the interviewer and the interviewee are ready to engage in a meaningful dialogue.

Part 2: Background and Context

Interviewee Introduction

Start by asking the interviewee to introduce themselves briefly. This sets the stage for the interview.

Understanding Their Role

If applicable, inquire about the interviewee's current role, job responsibilities, and how it relates to the interview's topic.

Relevant Experience

Explore the interviewee's relevant experience, projects, or achievements that tie into the topic of the interview.

Part 3: Core Questions

Open-Ended Questions

Use open-ended questions to allow the interviewee to share their thoughts, experiences, and insights in-depth. These questions should be broad and provide a foundation for the discussion.

Specific Scenarios

Ask the interviewee to recount specific scenarios or examples related to the interview topic. This helps illustrate their experiences and insights.

Challenges and Learnings

Encourage the interviewee to discuss challenges they've faced and what they've learned from those experiences. This can lead to authentic and valuable insights.

Future Vision

Inquire about the interviewee's vision for the future in the context of the interview topic. This can provide a forward-looking perspective.

Part 4: Follow-Up Questions

Dig Deeper

Use follow-up questions when the interviewee mentions something intriguing or emotional. These questions should encourage deeper exploration of those points.


If the interviewee's response is unclear or needs further clarification, use follow-up questions to ensure the audience fully understands.

Part 5: Personal Touch

Personal Insights

Encourage the interviewee to share personal insights, anecdotes, or stories related to the topic. This adds authenticity and relatability to the interview.

How They Feel

Ask how the interviewee feels about the topic. Emotions can add depth and relatability to the conversation.

Part 6: Brand or Product (If Applicable)

Impact of Your Brand or Product

If the interview involves your brand or product, ask the interviewee how it has positively impacted them. This subtly reinforces your brand's message.


 Invite the interviewee to provide recommendations or advice based on their experience with your brand or product.

Part 7: Conclusion

Final Thoughts

Allow the interviewee to share any final thoughts or key takeaways. This can bring the conversation to a meaningful close.

Thank You

Express gratitude for the interviewee's time and insights.

Remember that the structure should be flexible and adaptable to the specific needs of your interview. Not all sections may be relevant for every interview, so feel free to adjust and prioritise based on the nature of the conversation and the goals you aim to achieve.

The Role of a Video Production Agency in Crafting Interview Questions

A video production agency is a valuable partner in the process of shaping interview questions, offering flexibility in their involvement:

Expertise in Question Design

A professional agency possesses the expertise to craft well-structured, engaging questions that align with your video's objectives. They can work closely with you to develop these questions, ensuring they capture the essence of your vision.

In-Depth Research

They conduct thorough research on interviewees and the topic, ensuring questions are insightful and tailored. This research can be a collaborative effort, with your insights and preferences integrated into the question development process.

Smooth Interview Execution

The agency can facilitate an engaging interview, ensuring interviewees are comfortable, and questions lead to valuable insights. Alternatively, they can take on the role of interviewer on the day, orchestrating the entire process seamlessly.

Active Listening

They actively listen during the interview, asking follow-up questions when needed to explore intriguing points and keep the conversation dynamic.

Post-Interview Review

After the interview, the agency reviews the content, selecting impactful segments for the final video. This collaborative approach ensures that the interview serves the video's goals.

By leveraging a video production agency's skills, you can work together to craft meaningful interview questions and create compelling, on-brand video content that resonates with your audience. Whether they assist in question design or take the lead as interviewers, their expertise enhances the interview process, resulting in a successful video project.